Category: Infants

November 6, 2019November 6, 2019

Switching From a Crib to a Bed

When it comes to making the transition from a crib to a big-kid bed, there are two questions that need to be answered. The first is when, and the second is how. Now, if you’re reading this on my blog, chances are that you came here looking for some advice about teaching your little one...

October 21, 2019October 22, 2019

Daylight Savings (Fall) 5 tips to make the transition as smooth as possible Daylight Savings ends in the Fall season each year. It will be time to “fall back” the clocks. It can be a dreaded time for parents of young children because with this comes an adjustment that does not happen immediately. This is...

The Benefits of Sleep
September 19, 2019October 22, 2019

The Benefits of Sleep

Sleep has always been, and will likely continue to be, a bit of a mystery. From an evolutionary standpoint, it seems like something that we should have abandoned a few hundred thousand years ago. The fact that we fall into a near unconscious state for a third of our day, every day, leaving us vulnerable...

Back to School Tips
August 20, 2019October 22, 2019

Back to School Tips

Alright, let me just start off here by saying, honestly and sincerely, no judgment for what might have gone down in the last couple of months. I know… I’m a child sleep consultant and you may think that I’m going to chastise you for the late bedtimes, unenforced rules, inconsistent schedules, or any of the...

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